Online MBA Course of Project Management PM
Online Certification of Project Management PM
1026 Today's Tip on online Project Management PM - What is Project Management PM?: The faster project management team members become friends the sooner the project management will be on track for success.
1026 Today's Tip on online Project Management PM - What is Project Management PM?: We have been attending many project management meetings lately. They all had one thing in common. People spoke about what they would be doing without talking about what that would accomplish. Planning starts with the promises you make. Once you get clear about what you will accomplish, then what you do becomes clear.
1026 Today's Tip on online Project Management PM - What is Project Management PM?: Everyone practices project management to some degree: Farmers plan what, when, and how they’re going to plant; how they’re going to take care of their crops as they grow; and how and when they’re going to harvest those crops. Parents plan what they’re going to prepare for their children for dinner. (If they have strong project management skills, of course, they delegate things like setting and clearing the table to the kids.) And so on.
1026 Today's Tip on online Project Management PM - What is Project Management PM?: For some, the black-and-white nature of project management work makes for a refreshing challenge. Delivering a Project Management "on time and under budget" can provide great emotional rewards. The job offers the opportunity to lead, and new projects keep the work fresh.
1026 Today's Tip on online Project Management PM - What is Project Management PM?: A Project Management Rule: Tightly couple learning with action. Projects are wonderful opportunities to learn. Don’t put that off for the after project lessons learned. Make it your habit to incorporate learning loops in all your project activities. Your team will appreciate it. Your customer will benefit from it. And best of all, it will make your job easier.